Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mankind's Models

Mankind’s Models

Affecting all Persons,
The Ties that Bind Us!

 (A brief summary of some systems of analysis for our integration)

Challenge, Change,
Hope for the Future


Richard Michelle~Pentelbury B.A., B.Ed., M.A., Gifted Ed.

For Workshops:



Understanding A Learner, and Learning

Kohlberg's stages of Moral Development

Level One
Consequences soon inconsequential; ‘self-centric’.

Level Two
Considering the consequences to one’s self, ‘ego-centric’.

Level Three
Considering the consequences to one’s immediate ‘family’, ‘family-centric’.

Level Four
Considering the consequences to one’s immediate community, ‘socio-centric’.

Level Five
Considering the consequences to one’s larger city community, ‘city-centric’.

Level Six
Considering the consequences to one’s nation, ‘country-centric’.

Level Seven
Considering the consequences to one’s land, ‘continent-centric’.

Level Eight
Considering the consequences to one’s planet, ‘globe-centric’.

Level Nine
Considering the consequences to all/everything at once, ‘universe –centric’.

Maslow’s Hierarchy:

A need to survive, and to meet basic human needs.

A need to live with peace of mind, and know that you will be safe.

Social Acceptance
A need to be accepted by others, and to fit into a community.

Self Esteem
A need to feel good about one’s self, and one’s values.

Self Actualization
A need to be all that one can possibly be.

De Bono’s Thinking Hats (Edward de Bono):

Black Hat
Focusing on negatives discovered through reasoning.

Red Hat
Being emotionally intuitive, and/or reactive, and incorporating others.

Blue Hat
Thinking about the bigger picture, and being organized.

White Hat
Thinking about the facts and what’s logical.

Yellow Hat
Focusing on positive aspects; agreeable, enthusiastic.

Green Hat
Looking for alternative ideas and new suggestions.

Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner):

Oral: verbal-linguistic; e.g. T.S. Eliot
Predominantly Learning from the spoken word, through discussing.

Logical: mathematical; e.g. Einstein
Predominantly Learning from connections, through reasoning.

Visual: spatial; e.g. Picasso
Predominantly Learning from pictures or texts, through imagining.

Kinesthetic: body; e.g. Nuriyev
Predominantly Learning from touching, through practicing.

Aural: music and sound; e.g. Mozart
Predominantly Learning from sounds or music, through songs, acronyms, or poems.

Social: inter-personal; e.g. Ghandi
Predominantly Learning from others, through socializing and understanding.

Reflective: intra-personal; e.g. Freud, Jung
Predominantly Learning from your self, through reflecting and considering.

Intuitive: nature-spirit ; e.g. Darwin
Predominantly Learning from environment and instinct, through feeling and remembering.

& Creative Intelligence: (Buzan and Keene) ~ willingness to defy tradition.
Gregorc’s Mind Styles 

Concrete-Sequential: systematic; organized, stable, productive, perfectionist
Abstract-Sequential: research; precise, conceptual, visionary, opinionated
Abstract-Random: cooperative, interpretive, social, noncompetitive, personal
Concrete-Random: instinctual; curious, hands-on, impulsive, impatient
Sequential-Random: absorption; spontaneous, adaptable, social, perceptive

Johari Window: (Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham)

Known to Self
Not Known to Self
Known to Others
Not Known to Others

Open:        Things we both know about me.
Blind:        Things I’m not aware of, but that you know about me
Hidden:     Things I know about me, that you do not know.
Unknown: Things neither of us know about me.

The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz):

1)      Words should be ‘impeccable’.
2)      Nothing should be ‘taken personally’.
3)      Nothing should be ‘presumed or assumed’.
4)      Everything should be done ‘with your best at the time’.

Holland’s Theory: “Birds of a feather tend to flock together”:

1)      Realistic
2)      Investigative
3)      Artistic
4)      Social
5)      Enterprising
6)      Conventional
Psychogeometrics (Dr. Susan Dellinger)

CircleA warm hearted, loving, accepting, and agreeable person.

TriangleA determined, successful, persuasive and driven person.

SquareAn organized, detailed, thoughtful, and analytical person.

Squiggly LineA random, energetic, creative, and fun person.

RectangleA comfortable, unreflective, changing, and open-minded person.

Oscar Ichazo's Enneagram:
Oscar Ichazo's Enneagram of the Virtues
           Virtue               :     Passion    ;   Holy Idea   :    Ego-Fixation
1)    Serenity            :     Anger       ;    Perfection   :    Resentment
2)    Humility            :     Pride        ;    Freedom     :    Flattery
3)    Truthful             :     Deceit      ;    Hope          :    Vanity
4)    Equanimity        :     Envy        ;    Origin         :    Melancholy
5)    Non-Attachment:     Avarice     ;    Omniscience:   Stinginess
6)    Courage            :     Fear         ;    Faith           :   Cowardice
7)    Sobriety            :     Gluttony   ;    Planning      :   Wisdom
8)    Innocence         :      Lust         ;   Truth           :   Vengeance
9)    Action               :      Sloth       ;    Love           :   Indolence

Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration:

Level I, Factor one: Indiscriminatingly concerned with the self.

Level I, Factor two: Comfortable with the understanding of the world around them. Predominantly unquestioning of left/right values as concrete.

Level II: Uncomfortable with the world around them, and often hold conflicting values. Questioning for personal benefit.

Level III : Predominantly developing integrative moral guides, and comfort with themselves. Reflecting on themselves to develop behaviors.

Level IV: Predominantly helping others. Comfortable in making decisions.

Level V: Complete attitude of selflessness.

Spiral Dynamics (Clare Graves)

Beige: Predominantly involved in one’s own survival, and one’s own basic needs.

Purple: Predominantly involved in one’s family, clan, clutch, coven, club, and ancestry.

Red: Predominantly involved in the self, and determined to be that self, despite others.

Blue: Predominantly giving the self over to a group belief, and seeing ideologies as separate.

Orange: Predominantly perpetuating one’s own success, including others (sometimes at their peril).

Green: Predominantly concerned about world fairness, equality, equitability; others are wrong.

Yellow : Predominantly intellectual, concerned for world flaws, struggles with what is for what could  be.

Turquoise: Predominantly intuitive; promotes world love, compassion, integration.

Coral: Predominantly selfless.

Pentelbury’s Paradigm Phallacy: “Everything is Important and Nothing really Matters.”

Pentelbury’s Pathways of Practicing Preference:
1) Evaluative rather than Judgmental,
2) Integrative rather than Disparate,
3) Preferential rather than Needful,  
4) Flowing rather than Attached,
5) Enlightening rather than Enclosed             see: www.RichardMichellePentelbury.com

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